Monday, September 26, 2016


Email History 

Email is the direct translation of the interoffice, inter-organizational paper-based mail system. The first ever mail system was created in 1978 by Shiva Ayyadurai. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian-born American scientist, when Ayyadurai was only 14 years old he developed a computer program that replicated the interoffice, inter-organizational paper based mail system and morphed it into an electronic communication system, with the help of of Dr.Leslie P. Michelson, who was one of his supervisors at UMDNJ (University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, New Jersey.

When email was first introduced by Ayyadurai in 1978, it was just a small Improvement from mail or file directory, which is basically to put a message in another user’s directory in a spot where it can be seen by the user when he is logged in, just like placing a note on someone’s desk.

When the inter-networking began, Emails could be sent from one computer to another. Once computers could “talk” to each other over the networks, the problem became much more complex. The messages had to be put into envelopes and sent to specific recipient or recipients. To do this, means were needed to indicate to whom the letters should go to, a way was needed to indicate an address, to say it simply. 

However, In 2012 industry insiders released an irrational denial of the Email invention, and personally attacked Dr.Ayyadurai just to discredit and hijack him from his life work. This vocal minority believed that they didn’t get enough recognition for what they contributed to the invention. This group includes David Crocker, Tom Van Vleck and Ray Tomlinson. 

A non-internet alternative for Email, can either be hand written letters or using SMS. Hand written letters is a long term solution, as it takes a long time to reach the intended person, but SMS or MMS can be a solution for a short amount of time, they are on the informal side but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Advantages of Email:

·   Email is a much faster way of communication rather than paper based mail (letters).
·   Email can be used at any time of day.
·   With the help of internet, emails could be sent to any computer in the world in a matter of seconds.

·   Emails could be sent to one or several people at the same time.

Disadvantages of Email:

·      The recipient or recipients needs an internet access to receive the email.
·    Viruses can be spread through email attachments.
·    Phishing, can be used to scam the recipient into thinking that the email sent to him is legitimate, making the recipient give personal information such as bank account numbers. Those details can be used in identity theft.
·    Spam, which are unsolicited emails that can be very annoying if received.

Email Scandal:

 "Hillary Clinton has faced a steady drip of revelations about her use of a private email server while secretary of state since it was first revealed in the winter of 2015. It was a system a State Department inspector general found was not approved and did not comply with government rules. An FBI investigation concluded that no "reasonable prosecutor" would bring a criminal case against Mrs Clinton, but that she and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information."

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